我親吻妳白色的羽翼 let me kiss your pure wings
輕輕把妳放開 and loose them for now.
目視妳的墬落 watching the falling of you
那純白的光線嚐來有些甜味 some sweet tast in my mouth from the white light.
當我跌倒在泥濘的時候 The dirt gets me when i fail
妳纖弱的手臂是牽引我的力量 your small arm bringing me up.
當我裂成為碎片的時候 when i fall to parts,
妳重新把不堪的我我重新組合 you put back the pieces together
當我被社會打擊想要放棄 when i decided to quit after impact
妳擦乾我的髒汙吻乾我臉上淚水 you dry my tears and wipe off the stain on me.
妳像天使一樣溫柔的包圍著我 you stay and hug me like an angel
我卻厭煩纏繞把妳推開 but i push you away just like a spoiled kid
妳帶給我真實的情感作為禮物 your bring me faith as gift
我卻扯開包裝把它砸爛 but i tear down and smash.
努力只換來滿身疲憊 after thousand times trying.
現實終於把我擊潰 the reality crash me down,
死亡像我招手 the death waves his hand to me
而我貼了上去 and i kiss his feet
天使般的妳卻選擇和我一同墬落 You angel girl chose to fall
妳放棄妳的翅膀 cuf off your wings,
選擇和我一同墬落 chose to fall with me
燒毀妳潔白的羽翼 burn down your snow white wings
選擇如火一樣的逝去 pick the death as fire
我也追隨那道潔白 and i follw the white shine,
天使一樣潔白的靈魂 the pure clean soul as angel,
墬落而飛昇 falling and fly to the sky
- Jun 23 Mon 2008 21:16
天使的墬落 Angel's fall