本片根據1930年代一段真人真事改編。描述在經濟大蕭條的年代, 一個失意的拳擊手排除萬難力爭上游擊敗對手,而成為全民英雄的故事。吉姆布萊達克原本是個前途看好的輕量級拳擊手,卻因為連吃敗仗而被迫退休,此時正值美國經濟大蕭條時期,吉姆只能靠著打零工供養妻子與小孩,儘管如此,她卻從來沒有放棄。終於她等到機會重回到拳擊場上,以無比的毅力與決心打敗強勁對手贏得一場又一場的勝利。最後他必須挑戰世界重量級拳王麥克斯拜爾。為了他的家人,吉姆必須使盡全力全力完成她的最後一擊。
Jim Braddock
http://www.jamesjbraddock.com/ 他的個人網站
James J Braddock earned his nickname, Cinderella Man from his seemingly fairytale like rise from a poor local fighter to the heavyweight boxing champion of the world.
Braddock, born in New York City, had a powerful right hand and a successful amateur career. He turned pro in 1926. Braddock had victories over fighters like Jimmy Slattery and Pete Latzo. Braddock fought light heavyweight champ Tommy Loughran in 1929 for the title, but was defeated in a heartbreaking 15-round decision. Following the Loughran fight and the stock market crash of 1929, Jim Braddock was down on his luck. He had a hard time struggling to win fights and put food on the table for his young family.
Eventually Jim's luck began to change. In 1934 he had upset wins against Corn Griffin and John Henry Lewis. With these two wins, Braddock set himself up for a shot for the title against heavyweight champion Max Baer.
On June 13th, 1935, in Long Island City, N.Y., Braddock, as a 10 to 1 underdog, won the heavyweight championship of the world from Max Baer. The general reaction in most quarters was described as, "the greatest fistic upset since the defeat of John L. Sullivan by Jim Corbett". Braddock would lose his heavyweight title two years later in an 8 round KO to "The Brown Bomber", Joe Louis. He retired after a final win over Tommy Farr in 1938. Jim was inducted into the Ring Boxing Hall of Fame in 1964, the Hudson County Hall of Fame in 1991 and the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2001.
我在看 Jim Braddock的照片時發現一個很有趣的現象,就是他在出賽的時候,他的身體永遠都是微微地向前傾,保持視線向上,
肩膀縮起來。 我想有過健走經驗的人就會知道,我們在健走的時候,身體要微微向前,這是因為如果你的身體向前,你的雙腳會
保持移動,並且移動的比較迅速。 而縮起脖子可以讓你容易躲過敵人的攻擊。 拳擊的第一部就是要耐打,如果耐不了打,也不會
Jim Braddock 他在業餘生涯表現的很好,但是後來右拳受傷之後就等於退出了拳擊界,靠著打零工維生。 天不亮就要站在鐵門
外頭等後工頭點你的名,如果點不到你,表示你這天沒有工作也就沒有收入。 但是他有一個老婆還有三個孩子要養,最後必須要靠
我想許多人就這樣了結一生了吧。 窮困潦倒,失志的男人似乎是個容易的句點。 但是這並未發生在這男人的身上。這是因為他遇上了一個很好的經紀人 Joe Gould 。 Joe Gould 把家裡的家具都賣了來讓布達克作訓練,豪華的公寓裡面只剩一張小茶几。
Joe Gould & James Braddock
NYC Mayor LaGuardia, Mrs. Braddock Joe Gould, James J. Braddock
Paul Giamatti
飾演經理人 Joe Gould 的 Paul Giamatti 因此片獲得奧斯卡與金球獎最佳男配角獎。
Nominated for Oscar. Another 29 wins & 17 nominations
他演過....媽呀. 超多片。 但是老實講有時候你真的是會想不起來他在哪部片,
不過我個人認為他演過最出色的就是 American Splendor
Jimmy Braddock
Jimmy Braddock and Staff. 1929. Saratoga Lake, New York. (l.to r. Doc Rob, Charles "Red" Boyette, Joe Hanlon, Jimmy Braddock, Joe Barlow, Al Braddock (Jimmy's brother) and Allentown Joe Gans. T-004
Born: | June 7th, 1905 in New York City |
Nickname: | Cinderella Man |
Height: | 6'2 ½" |
Weight: | 193 lbs |
Reach: | 75" |
Chest: | 41" (normal) 44" (expanded) |
Waist: | 34 ½" |
Biceps: | 13" |
Neck: | 17" |
Wrist: | 8" |
Calf: | 16" |
Ankle: | 10" |
Thigh: | 22 ¾" |
Fist: | 11 ½" |
Forearm: | 12 ½" |
電影之前的預告一直宣傳的是布達克和他太太的故事。 不過我認為他和教練之間兩個男人友誼的呈現,更加動人。
這是一個敗犬 UNDER DOG 的故事。敗犬變成SUPER MAN.